terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011

Like we say in Warsaw “Don’t worry, be happy, be ERASMUS”

My name is Pedro Pereira and I am a former student in IESF. From IESF I have joined the biggest adventure of my life: ERASMUS.
After much research, I chose Poland as my destination for my international student time, it was a great decision. I was in AWF Warsaw University, which has excellent conditions for sport, physiotherapy and tourism students. The dorms are inside the campus 1 minute away from school.
At http://www.awf.edu.pl/indexEn.php in the main webpage of the university u can see how it looks like! It’s a wonderful place.
Warsaw it’s a great town where u can find everything you need to have a good time, the parties are awesome and very cheap, also you have plenty of art, music, and history in any corner, the only problem is the cold weather ehehe with temperatures sometimes going lower than -25, but nothing that good hot winter clothes won’t solve :P, all houses and transports have heating so you should be ok eheh
If you choose to go in such adventure trust me you will not regret it! I have met so many great people, some of them became my best friends and I still visit them when I have time. So, doing this kind of  program you will have friends all over Europe, and for sure it will give you a new perspective in life.
I went alone to Warsaw but it was not bad at all. In a week I met all the other ERASMUS students as well as mentors in there, and we completely bonded together going out every night and just having fun all together.
To finish I think all people should at least try this adventure, because it will only happen once in your life, and it’s the best thing that will happen to you!
Thank you Pedro Pereira
PS: Like we say in Warsaw “Don’t worry, be happy, be ERASMUS” :)

sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2011

My Erasmus experience at IESF

            My name is Vents Salcevičs and I’m an Erasmsus student. I live and study in Latvia, but this semester I am studying at IESF. My school in Latvija is University of Liepaja.
            I am very proud with the fact that I’m the first Erasmus student here. And I like being here. Fafe is very sunny, people here are friendly, in the city streets there is plenty of sound and music and everyone is very smiling. I live in Residencial Dom Manuel and my Buddy is Helder Pereira. Helder is a very nice guy, he introduced me to IESF folk band and together we drove to Porto to watch football.
            This University is smaller than my University in Latvia. That is good, because all students know each other and it has a friendly environment. In my University I don’t know a lot of students. I think this experience for me will be great and I will always remember this trip.
            At scool I like the classes and lectures, because here all lectures are very active, teachers are understanding, friendly, they explain everything if I don’t understand something and all students in class are very communicative. Time in lectures goes by very fast, I really enjoy lectures.
            In Fafe, I like very much one gym, this gym is near to my living place  Ginasio Vital Saude Desporto. There is a nice atmosphere, I like going there after school and do trainings.
Everyone in this gym is energetic, friendly and fun.

I’m the only one Erasmus student here and that is a little bit bad for me, sometimes I feel a little bit lonely, but that has not been a big problem, because in Fafe, there is much life, many friendly and nice people and in Portugal there are a lot of Erasmus students that I can meet.  Anyway, I get here new knowledges that will help me in the future, making new friends, new adventures, a lot of positive experiences and impressions. And I still have time to enjoy Portugal and this city.

Vents Salcevičs
Sport and dance teacher 3. course.